In the LDS beliefs, the serpent is mostly a symbol, and Satan, or Lucifer, actually did participate in tempting Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit, which, to our beliefs, is not some archaic symbol for sexual sin, but... an archaic symbol... well not really a symbol, but the actual first disobedience of Adam and Eve.
For Mormons, this was a necessary event so that Adam and Eve, and all of us their descendants, could know right from wrong, and choose whether to follow God or not. We feel that the phrase "in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" means that Adam and Eve became separated from God, spiritually dead, when they disobeyed him. Anyway, I'm way off topic...
King James Bible: Genesis 2:16-17 From:
16 And the Lord God acommanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest bfreely eat:
17 But of the atree of the bknowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the cday that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely ddie.
The rest of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have somewhat similar ideas of the creation, though of course many minor variations of the story exist.
Yuan-Ti, on the other hand, appear to be a completely fictional group created by Dungeons and Dragons. They are an evil underground race of snake people. As far as I can tell the AD&D Yuan-Ti have two legged females and snake tailed males. This is totally sexist. Females have two legs because having two legs allows for more hotness... whereas for males they don't care about hotness, and can focus on ferocity, for which the one tail allows the impression of possible speed or constricting power etc. Lame!
And then there's Lamia. Lamia was a Libyan queen in Greek mythology that was seduced by Zeus, and for one reason or another, often involving the deaths of her own children, she started eating her own. She is sometimes considered to have a snake's tail below the waist.
Snakes play a role in the lives of many peoples, for example, there are many taboos about snakes among the traditional Navajo:
The Hopi believed that there was a tribe that descended from snakes:
The Hopi believed that there was a tribe that descended from snakes:
1 comment:
For what it's worth, Yuan-ti in D&D come in three varieties with varying strength of snake features. Each of these varieties have both male and female members. The picture of them in the monster book showed a female of the humanoid variety with one of the fully naga-like ones of an indeterminate gender. The only thing "sexist" about them is your attempt to vilify their creation based on something you heard.
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