This is mostly for speech therapists, to see what I'm doing, and get ideas. If you're doing something else, drop me a comment! These, as well as the swallowing exercises, are used, at least in my case, in the acute setting. The rehab speechies tend to have a little more detailed and reinforced methods. Acute tends to be a little more quick and dirty.
Protección de la via respiratoria
1. Respire profundo y diga “a”. Repite 10 veces asegurandose de respirar profundo antes de cada repetición.
2. Haga el mismo ejercício de arriba, pero diciendo “i".
3. Cuente de 1 a 5 comenzando con un susurro y aumentando el vólumen de la vóz con cada numero, asi que, cuando llega a 5 está gritando.
4. Vocalización sostenida: diga “a” hasta que no aguante más. Aumente la duración de la nota hasta que lo pueda hacer por 20 segundos sin dificultad.
Airway Protection
1. Take a deep breath, say “ah”. Repeat 10 times making sure to take a big breath before each repetition.
2. Do the above saying “ee”.
3. Count from 1-5 starting with a whisper and increasing your voice intensity with each number so that by the time you reach number 5 you are shouting!
4. Sustained Phonation: say /ah/ for as long as you can. Increase the time you can hold the note until you can consistently hold for 20 seconds or more.
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